Submit an Event

Event Dates
Event Details
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        Contact Information
          Sessions and Speakers
          These speakers are featured on the event home page

            You have four options for the event agenda. You can use one, multiple, or none of the options

            1. You can upload an agenda file or multiple agenda files.
            This file will be linked off of the event homepage and event agenda page

            2. Create a record for each session with the options to link and add a speaker profile
            The sessions will appear on the event home page and will create and agenda page with the sessions, times and speakers listed. Each agenda record will also have it's own page.

            3. Paste in your own HTML agenda
            Create your own agenda. Any content you add to this field will display on the agenda page. This information will not appear on the event homepage.

            4. Enter a value in the Agenda Link field
            Use a URL. You can make the agenda link to a URL, either external or on your site.