
Faith Communities

Resources for Starting and Building Communities of Faith 

MissionInsite - Serving your community begins with understanding your community. Easy-to-use map based data analytics tools have established MissionInsite as the preferred choice for current community information.

Parish Development - Resources for healthy church development.

Builder's CallUnited Methodist Builders have helped new congregations buy land or build their first church facility. United Methodist Builders have provided funds to help established congregations update their facilities or build new additions.

Hispanic/Latino Ministries -  The Iowa Conference is a church ministering to, for and with its Latino/Hispanic communities. The mission and vision of Hispanic/Latino Ministries is to:

  • Mobilize the church at local, district and conference levels to be in ministry with Latino/Hispanic people in all areas of significant Latina/Hispanic population concentration.
  • Identify and equip leadership to start new ministries, as well as to strengthen existing ministries with Hispanic/Latino communities.
  • Identify and develop fiscal resources necessary to support Latino/Hispanic ministries and to help them become self-sustaining.
  • Walks with Hispanic/Latino communities of faith providing them with support and resources.