
"God is not done with us yet"—Bishop Bickerton opens General Conference

photo by UM News Service

April 24, 2024

By: Liz Winders, Director of Communications, 
Iowa Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church

The 2020 General Conference of the United Methodist Church being held in 2024 opened with a sermon on the importance of stillness and the power of God. The speaker, Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton, urged attendees to seek a "conversion of our hearts" and to live out the church's mission of "extravagant love seasoned with an unmerited and amazing grace."

"Some words that stuck with me from Bishop Bickerton's Message were compassion, courage, and companionship as we move into the future of our church to revitalize, revive and reclaim our sense of purpose," said Delegate Nitza Dovenspike. Bishop Bickerton acknowledged the challenges facing the church, including declining resources and the recent disaffiliation of approximately 25% of the denomination’s churches due to disagreements over LGBTQ+ issues. However, he also expressed optimism for the future, saying, "God is not through with us yet."

"The bishop reminded us that we need to be committed to who we are, who we want to be and where we are going," said Delegate Rev. Nate Nims. "We are here to work for renewal and revival and an inclusive church. We have a lot of work to do."
The sermon focused on the theme of the conference, "… and know that I am God" and encouraged attendees to set aside their own agendas and seek God's guidance. Bishop Bickerton also called for unity, saying, "We've got to get our act together. Right here. Right now in Charlotte. This is the time to refocus the church for the future. Lay out the beginnings of our next expression, and find a way to decide that different people from different cultures with different theological persuasions can be the body of Christ in unity, and respect and love."
The sermon was well-received by attendees, with many expressing appreciation for the message of hope and unity.

The conference continues through May 3, 2024.